Support Illinois Lutheran Schools

At Illinois Lutheran Schools, we point our students to Jesus. Our goal is to prepare today’s youth for time and eternity. Daily we share the saving message of Jesus’ grace and point them to that glorious day when the whole world will celebrate His appearing. We thank you for supporting our school’s ministry with your prayers, gifts and offerings. If you would like to support us with a special gift, you may do so in one of the following ways:

  • One Time Gift – Making a one-time gift would truly be a blessing to our school. Some people have gifted stocks to the school as a donation.
  • Monthly Pledge  – If you would like to make a donation but would prefer to do so over a period of time, this might be the option for you.
  • Special Gifts – If the Lord has blessed you in special ways and you feel that you would like to make a substantial contribution, contact Mr. Matt Moeller at 708.672.3262, ext. 105 or to set up an appointment to discuss your gift.
  • Legacy Gifts – If you are interested in making a donation from your estate, please
  • contact Mr. Matt Moeller at 708.672.3262, ext. 105 or He will direct you to someone who can help you set up such a gift.

Thank you again for your continuing support of our ministry to the youth of our church and community. God’s blessings to all of you!

Building on the Rock – Capital Campaign

Click here to learn more about our building project.

Support Group

Illinois Lutheran’s Charger Booster Association works to improve the academic and co-curricular programs of our school.

SCRIP Program

Purchase gift cards for everyday expenses, and earn credit towards your child’s tuition at Illinois Lutheran or for the Illinois Lutheran tuition assistance fund. Learn more about SCRIP.