A message from Adam Oestmann, Board of Directors secretary, Illinois Lutheran Schools alumnus and chairman of the Mission Advancement Committee:

Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ and fellow supporters of Illinois Lutheran Schools,

We’re coming up on one year since you helped us raise more than $20,000 to support tuition assistance at Illinois Lutheran in last year’s Giving Tuesday campaign. Thanks be to God for you!

I want to tell you more about our goal for this year. First, if you’re not already familiar with Giving Tuesday, it serves as a world-wide celebration of generosity — a worthy cause for Christians.

Why consider a donation?

Scripture talks about generosity as a natural outgrowth of faith in Jesus. It is less something we’re required to do and more something He wants believers to have a heart inclined toward.

2 Corinthians 9 says, “Whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

This year, Giving Tuesday will take place on Tuesday, December 3rd. We’re kicking off our campaign three weeks in advance on November 12th.

To get the most out of our efforts, we need YOU! Research suggests that 84% of donors are more likely to give, and give more, if they know their contributions will be matched, so between now and the launch of our campaign we have set a goal of securing $25,000 in match commitments!

What will my donation be used for?

All dollars raised from the campaign will go to support the Illinois Lutheran Schools Endowment Fund.

Back in 1998, Trinity Lutheran Church and ILS learned that they were named co-beneficiaries of the Harold and Adeline Moeller Estate, which resulted in the establishment of individual Endowment Funds
in November of 1999.

This means we are approaching the 25th anniversary of the Endowment formation this November, which is something to celebrate!

Over the years, the ILS Endowment has helped to support several projects and initiatives, including:

  • The construction of a major building addition to the High School (2004)
  • Major infrastructure and facade renovations to the Grade School (2021)

Without it, these projects may not have been possible. And they have allowed us to better serve God’s people and our community with the work that we do at ILS to reach souls for time and eternity.

As mentioned above, by becoming a matching donor, you are helping to replenish this fund and incentivize further generosity among God’s people, which is why I’m asking you to prayerfully consider helping us reach our goal of $25,000 in matching dollars to support the ILS Endowment.

No matter what your decision, on behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for your past, present, and future support! May God continue to richly bless you and your family, and may all our hearts be inclined toward the work of His Kingdom.

How to give?

If you would like to encourage the support of this vital fund by becoming a matching donor, contact Tonya Danielewicz at financial@illinoislutheran.org, call the main office at (708) 672-3262, or click on the Donate button below.