Illinois Lutheran Schools
Charger Summer News
First Day of School – Wednesday, August 14
The first day of school is this coming Wednesday, August 14 and this will be an early release day.
- Students in grades kindergarten – 6th will be released at 11:15 AM.
- Students in junior high and high school will be released at 11:30 AM.
- Preschool students will be released at 11:30 AM.
- Thursday and Friday will be full days of school.
Illinois Lutheran Schools – Weekly News
This will be the last issue of the 2024 Charger Summer News. Beginning next week, the Charger News (for grades PreK – 6th) and the Charger News & Notes (for grades 7th – 12th) will be be emailed weekly. Please be sure that you are registered to receive these emails, as they contain important information!
Save the Date
- Sunday, August 11 – New Teacher Installation Service @ Trinity Lutheran Church @ 9:30 AM
- Monday, August 12 – Fall High School Athletes Coach/Player/Parent Meeting – 6:30 PM @ high school campus
- Wednesday, August 14 – FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL – EARLY RELEASE
- Kindergarten – 6th Grade released @ 11:15 AM
- Junior High & High School released at 11:30 AM
- Preschool released at 11:20 AM
- Friday, August 16 – Fall Sport Photos for high school soccer, high school volleyball, junior high softball and junior high baseball @ 3:00 @ high school campus
- Thursday, August 29 – High school golf team photos @ 4:00 PM @ practice
- Friday, August 30 – Junior High & High School student back-to-school barbeque
- Monday, September 2 – LABOR DAY – NO SCHOOL @ BOTH CAMPUSES
- Wednesday, September 4 – New Parent Religious Information Night @ 7:30 PM @ high school campus
- Friday, September 6 – PICTURE DAY – BOTH CAMPUSES
Hot Lunch Program – School Eatery
Illinois Lutheran Schools works with School Eatery to provide hot lunch to our students. School Eatery works with local restaurants to offer several options every day for your child. To set up your account, please click on these links and refer to the following instructions:
- Elementary School – School Eatery Instructions
- Junior High & High School – School Eatery Instructions
- Loyalty Program & Registration Fee
- Once you set up your account and place your child’s hot lunch order, you will make your payment directly to School Eatery.
- If you have any questions about ordering or the payment process, please contact School Eatery directly at 800.570.6755 or
- If you have children in both buildings, you will need to set up a separate account and login.
August Newsletter
The Illinois Lutheran newsletter is being distributed electronically. Printed copies are available at either school office. We look forward to seeing our ILS students soon!
Charger Booster Association Meeting – Tuesday, August 13
Save the date! Our next Charger Booster Association Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be held at the high school campus in the multipurpose room. We look forward to seeing you there!
Want to learn more about CBA and the 24-25 CBA officers? Visit our page on the ILS website HERE.
Join the Charger Booster Association Facebook Group!
Search groups for “Illinois Lutheran Charger Booster Association” and answer the membership questions so you can join this private group. You can also scan the QR code below. The CBA will be sharing important information and events on this page!
High School Soccer
The start of the 2024 soccer season is just a few weeks away. We are excited to have three ILHS alumni (Chris Lorig, Luke Egeler and me, the new principal) returning to help with the soccer coaching duties along with Coach Hinz. We know the blessings and impact that playing soccer has had on our own lives and want to share those blessings and pass on those lessons to you. Here are some of the benefits of sports participation.
I was part of the first ILHS soccer team. Soccer wasn’t my favorite sport, but I played because my friends were playing and to get in shape for basketball. Not only did I experience those benefits, but I grew to love soccer, played in college and coached high school soccer for 23 years before returning to ILHS.
Our goal is to provide you with opportunities to help you develop as an athlete and as courageous, collaborating, problem-solving servants of God. If you would like to play both soccer and golf, the coaches will work with you to make that possible. To help us prepare for the season, please complete this form as soon as you are able and encourage your friends to do so as well, even if you aren’t planning on playing soccer.
According to the IHSA rules, we can begin practicing for the 2024 soccer season on Monday, August 12th. During the first week we will be practicing from 9:00 to 11:30 AM on August 12th and 13th and from noon to 2:00 PM on August 14th, and 4:00 to 6:00 PM on August 15th-16th.
Each player should have soccer cleats and shin guards as part of the uniform that is not provided by the school. Cleats and shin guards will be worn at all times during practices and games. Players should also have a pair of indoor shoes that could be worn in the weight room and gym. Each player will be required to turn in a medical physical form to the school office and register before they will be allowed to practice. Be sure also to bring a big enough water bottle to stay hydrated throughout practices and games.
As most of you know, soccer is a physically demanding sport. Any conditioning you are able to do before practices begin will help prepare for a successful season. As you condition, you should mix in some distance running with short and medium (40-100yd) sprints. Simply spending about 30 minutes each day doing some hard conditioning will go a long way to making the first week of practice more manageable and enable us to progress quickly to working on our skills and tactics. You can find some suggestions here.
There will be a player/parent informational meeting on Monday, August 12th at 6:30 PM at the high school.
We look forward to seeing you on August 12th. Have a great rest of your summer.
Coach Matt Moeller
FACTS Tuition Accounts 2024-2025
Tuition accounts for the 2024-2025 school year HAVE BEEN ACTIVATED.
If you need to change your payment plan or any dates associated with your payments, contact Mrs. Jessica Bushey at at least 10 business days before your first payment is due. Please do not set up a new account in FACTS. Any changes to your schedule should be made by the office.
Any special arrangements that you made last year (changed the number of payments or payment dates/frequency), will need to be requested for your 2024-2025 FACTS account and will not be carried over. Please send your request to Mrs. Bushey at
If you need to update your financial information, you can login to FACTS and make the change (the office does not have the ability to change your financial information).
We recommend that you login to FACTS and make sure that your contact information is current.
New Families
Please set up a login and payment plan in FACTS so that we can activate your account.
Do not mail or drop off payments to the office. All payments are to be made through FACTS. FACTS provides a variety of ways to pay – with your checking, savings, debit card or credit card.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Jessica Bushey at or 708.672.3262, ext. 123
Medical Forms Required for the 24-25 School Year
You should have received an email from the school that addresses any medical exams or forms that need to be filled out and submitted to the school for the 24-25 school year PRIOR TO THE START OF SCHOOL. Please read through THIS INFORMATION that was sent to ILS families.
Fall Sports – Dates
We kicked off junior high softball this last week and we will be starting up junior high baseball next week for their inaugural season.
Please register your child before practice starts and have an updated physical in the school office. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
Here is an updated schedule for the week of August 12:
Monday, August 12:
- 9:00 – 11:30 – High school soccer practice
- 9:00 – 12:00 – High school volleyball practice
- 4:00 – 6:00 – Boys and girls golf practice at Cardinal Creek
- 4:15 – Junior High softball at Lansing Memorial, TF South
- 5:00 – 6:30 – Junior High baseball practice at Heritage Park
- 6:30 – High school fall sports meeting
Tuesday, August 13:
- 9:00 – 11:30 – High school soccer practice
- 9:00 – 12:00 – High school volleyball practice
- 4:30 – Junior High softball at Donovan – Bus leaves at 2:45
- 5:00 – 6:30 – Junior High baseball practice at Heritage Park
Wednesday, August 14:
- 12:00 – 2:00 – High school soccer practice
- 12:00 – 300 – High school volleyball practice
- 4:00 – 6:00 – Boys and girls golf at Cardinal Creek
- 4:30 – Junior High baseball Home vs. Grant Park at Heritage Park
Thursday, August 15:
- 3:30 – 5:15 – Junior high softball practice at Heritage
- 3:30 – 5:30 – High school volleyball practice
- 4:00 – 6:00 – High school soccer practice
- 4:00 – 6:00 – Boys and girls golf practice at Cardinal Creek
- 4:15 – Junior High Baseball at Lansing Memorial Lan Oak Field
Friday, August 16:
- 3:30 – 5:30 – High school volleyball practice
- 4:00 – Boys golf at Silver Lakes Golf Course vs. Chicago Christian
- 4:00 – 6:00 – High school soccer practice
- 4:00 – 6:00 – girls golf practice at Cardinal Creek
- 4:30 – Junior High Softball at Chicago Heights Junior high
Saturday, August 17:
- 9:00 – 11:30 – High school volleyball practice
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. Have a great week in the LORD!
Nathan Hinz
Activities Director
708.672.3262, ext. 114
Fall Sports – IMPORTANT Information
ALL STUDENTS IN ANY GRADE LEVEL participating in a fall sport must be registered online before the first practice. Please CLICK HERE to register now!
Fall Sports Offered:
- High School Volleyball
- High School Golf
- High School Soccer
- 5th – 8th Grade Girls Basketball
- 5th – 8th Grade Soccer
- Junior High Baseball
- Junior High Softball
Sport Physicals:
ALL STUDENTS IN ANY GRADE LEVEL participating in a sport are required to submit either an Illinois state physical or Illinois sport physical to the school office PRIOR TO the first day of practice.
Participation Fee:
Elementary & Junior High students pay a $25 per sport participation fee. Please submit that through our online bookstore order and it will be added to your FACTS account. This must be done PRIOR TO the first day of practice.
High school students pay a $125 per sport participation fee. Please submit that through our online bookstore order and it will be added to your FACTS account. This must be done PRIOR TO the first day of practice.
Sports Calendar:
Please check the calendar frequently. Sometimes changes will be made to practices and games.
Parent, Player & Coach Meeting:
The following mandatory meetings for students, parents, and coaches have been scheduled:
- Junior High Softball – Monday, July 29 @ 5:15 PM at Heritage Park (after first practice)
- Junior High Baseball – Monday, August 6 @ 6:30 PM at Heritage Park (after first practice)
- High School Sports – Monday, August 12 @ 6:30 PM at the High School
Sport Pictures:
The following team and individual sport pictures have been scheduled at the high school (1610 Main Street). Order forms will be handed out before picture day.
- High School Soccer & Volleyball, Junior High Softball & Baseball – Friday, August 16 @ 3:00 PM at the High School
- 5th – 8th Girls Basketball & 5th – 8th Soccer – Monday, September 16 @ 3:00 PM at the High School
Parent Volunteer Requirement:
We ask that parents in the following sports plan to volunteer for concessions at least ONE time for fall sports:
- High School Soccer
- High School Volleyball
- 5th – 8th Soccer
- 5th – 8th Girls Basketball
Please use THIS LINK to sign up for your volunteer spots. Families that do not fulfill their volunteer obligation will be charged a fee at the end of the season ($75 for 5th-8th grade families and $150 for high school families). We appreciate your support!
School Supply Lists
Preschool & Elementary Supply Lists
Junior High School Supply List
Pick Up and Drop Off @ Junior High/High School Campus
During pick up and drop off at the junior high/high school campus, please enter on the north side and exit on the south side. Please refer to the parking lot map for correct flow of traffic during pick up and drop off.
Please be aware that students will be walking in the parking lot and that teachers will be stationed around the parking lot to assist with traffic flow.
Bookstore Items & Fees
The Bookstore Items & Fees electronic order form was emailed to you on July 1, 2024. Please read through THIS INFORMATION that was sent to ILS families and submit your order ASAP.
Calendar Magnet
The 2024-2025 ILS calendar magnets are now available! Stop in at either school office to pick one up. Thank you to Mrs. Cara Dulaitis and The Dulaitis Group for providing these calendar magnets for our ILS families!
Family Devotions
A routine family devotion is essential for the Christian family. This could include reading the Bible, singing, and praying together. Do you need help creating a meaningful family devotional time? Here is a link to daily devotion ideas.