Tuition & Fees
Illinois Lutheran is an excellent educational value. Tuition is lower than most private schools in the area, and the cost to educate is lower than most public schools. The tuition for Illinois Lutheran is a variable rate. The final rate is determined after calculating financial need and deducting applicable scholarships. For more information, call our elementary campus (PreK – 6th grade) at 708.672.5969, or our junior high/high school campus (7th – 12th grade) at 708.672.3262.
A variety of financial aid and scholarship opportunities exist because of caring donors who help make an Illinois Lutheran education affordable. Last year, Illinois Lutheran provided financial aid to nearly 50% of families. Click here to learn more about financial assistance offered by Illinois Lutheran.
FACTS Tuition Account
All Illinois Lutheran families make their tuition payments through FACTS Tuition Management. Enrolling in a FACTS tuition payment plan allows you to select a payment option that best suits your financial needs. The plans listed below are offered by Illinois Lutheran. FACTS will charge a one time annual enrollment fee, which varies depending on the plan that you choose. Please note, payments made through a credit card are assessed an additional charge for processing.
Set up your FACTS Tuition Account
Monthly Payments:
- Spread your tuition balance over monthly installments, either 10 or 12 months
- Payment Methods Offered: Credit Card, Automatic Bank Draft
Semi-Annual Payments:
- Pay your tuition in two installments, with half of the tuition due in August, and the other half due in February
- Payment Methods Offered: Credit Card, Automatic Bank Draft
Payment in Full:
- FACTS is a quick, secure method for paying your tuition balance in full
- Payment Methods Offered: Credit Card, Automatic Bank Draft
Late Payment Policy
The following policies are in place if tuition payments are late:
- Transcripts, yearbooks, report cards, and diplomas are withheld until tuition and any other financial obligations (lunch fees, bookstore fees, technology fees, etc.) have been paid in full.
- Seniors will not be able to receive their transcript or diploma unless all tuition/financial obligations are paid at least one week prior to the graduation ceremony.
- Students with unpaid tuition/fees are not allowed to enroll for a new term until arrangements have been made with the administrative office.
- Students are not allowed on school-sponsored trips that involve more than a few dollars unless all accounts are current.
Bookstore Items & Fees
Orders for items such as milk, Hymnals, PE Uniforms, chromebooks, etc. need to be submitted online. Please use THIS LINK to review information and submit your bookstore order for the 24-25 school year. Please submit one order per child. The order must be submitted by a parent who is an authorized user on the FACTS tuition account.
Fees will be added to your FACTS account. We do not accept check, cash or credit card payments for these items. You may choose to pay all of these fees in your next FACTS tuition payment, or you may choose to have these fees spread over your remaining FACTS payments for the school year. Please make your selection when filling out the order. Once items are ordered and distributed to students, they are nonreturnable and nonrefundable. Questions? Contact the school office at 708.672.3262.