Spiritual Life

Elementary School

Each day at Illinois Lutheran Elementary School begins with a devotion based upon a portion of Scripture. Daily, the students study basic stories from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible learning memory verses and life applications for each story. Each afternoon begins with a second devotion, and the afternoon closes with prayer. Weekly the students join together at a chapel service where God’s Word is shared with the students. Parents are welcome to attend.

Junior High & High School

Students attend chapel daily. Two days per week chapel is a formal devotion led by a teacher or guest speaker. Two days per week chapel is held in smaller groups in student homerooms. One day per week chapel is led by one of the students. Frequently smaller choral or instrumental groups enhance the worship experience. Religion classes are required as part of our school program. We encourage all students to be involved in community service as a witness to their faith.

Family Devotions

A routine family devotion is essential for the Christian family. Reading the Bible, singing, and praying together. Do you need help creating a meaningful family devotional time? Below is a list of links to Daily Devotion ideas.

WELS Daily Devotions

Early Childhood Devotions

Teen Devotions

Time of Grace Ministries

Seasonal Devotions