Christian Service – School, Church, and Community

…I will show you my faith by my deeds.” James 2:18b

In saving love, God sent his one and only Son into this world, to give himself as a sacrifice for our sins. In thanksgiving, we respond by giving ourselves through acts of love and kindness within the school, neighborhood, church and community. It is in that spirit of love that we strive to develop a lifelong attitude of service in our students.

Therefore, we have set a requirement of 5 hours of community service for each semester of attendance at our high school. Many students far exceed this requirement.  Many express the joy that they have experienced in helping others.

Here are a few guidelines on service hours.  Of the required service hours, only one half of them may be acquired through service directly from school activities. (See qualifying requirements below). The rest of the hours need to be obtained through service to your neighborhood, church or in the community.

Here are some suggestions of possible service opportunities:


  • Sunday school Teacher or Sunday School helper
  • Vacation Bible school teacher or helper
  • Ushering
  • Technology helper
  • Canvassing or Evangelism calls
  • Church workdays
  • Sponsoring a fellowship event at you church
  • Assisting an Elderly member with seasonal jobs around their home (without pay)
  • Church service singer or musician


  • Helping at the local recycling center
  • Hospital or nursing home volunteer
  • Adopt a Highway Clean-up Crew
  • Volunteering for a local charity
  • Disaster relief crew
  • Organize a Food Drive for local food bank


  • Set up and take down for concerts and special events after school hours
  • Working in the Concession Stand for sporting events
  • Helping with recruitment events (outside the school day)
  • Helping with summer camps
  • Mission Trips
  • Athletic Field work

The items mentioned above are just a few of the many opportunities our students have to fulfill their community service requirement. Other things in addition to these lists are encouraged.  We simply ask that students get approved in advance by the administration.

 Download the Service Hours Form. This form has places for the dates, organization and duties performed. Occasionally, the service hours will be verified with the organization.