High School Guidance
We encourage the use of the resources here and other online resources to assist students and their families in planning their future at Illinois Lutheran and in their post-secondary school education and careers. We believe students should strive to reach their fullest potential with the gifts God has given them.
Every effort is made to see each student at least once during the school year.
- September/October – Seniors for College Application or Career Planning
- November/December – Sophomores for Naviance
- January/February – Juniors Preliminary College Planning
- March/April – Freshmen for future High School Planning
Students and parents may feel comfortable setting up an appointment to visit at any time. The schedule above is for general planning; it is not to be considered exclusive. Parents can contact Mrs. Van Arnold at 708.672.3262, ext. 122 or by email at kvanarnold@ilhs.org. Students can stop by the office any time.
ILHS has partnered with Parchment Exchange to electronically submit transcripts. Click the button, follow the directions and the document will be sent. There is a fee for transcripts after graduation from high school.