Financial Assistance

At Illinois Lutheran, we strongly believe that Christian education is not a commodity, it’s a ministry! It’s a commitment! It’s a connection – a connection between your child’s need, and your family philosophy and our philosophy!

That’s why at Illinois Lutheran Schools, the first and most important consideration is what is educationally best for your child. All other considerations are secondary. That being said, we know that money is an important consideration for any parent.

Therefore, as part of our Christian ministry, Illinois Lutheran Schools provides up to $130,000 in needs based scholarship help to provide a solid Christian education to children who attend Illinois Lutheran. Working with families who share our vision and values, our goal is to provide the opportunities of Christian education to children of varying incomes, races, and family situations.

At Illinois Lutheran Schools, financial aid is a ministry, the ministry of opportunity. Our financial aid decisions are guided by the very same Biblical principles integrated into our entire educational program.

Opportunity at its essence, needs-based financial aid represents opportunity for children of all races, sexes, and income levels. Financial aid is a profound opportunity…

…the opportunity for a better education,
…the opportunity for better college,
…the opportunity for more college scholarship help,
…the opportunity to be better fathers, mothers, husbands, wives and guardians,
…the opportunity to give oneself to a lifetime of service,
…the opportunity to live a set apart life, a life of distinction, and
…the opportunity to spend eternity in bliss with our Loving Heavenly Father.

In short, financial aid at Illinois Lutheran is an opportunity for children and families who are like-minded and willing to rise above their circumstance to fully achieve God’s high calling in their lives.

Tuition is an investment into the life of your child. This is the reason why we have a needs-based financial aid program – to assist families who demonstrate a financial need through our FACTS Assistance Application.

Illinois Lutheran Schools desires to partner with families to make Christian education an option financially.

Our Ministry-Based Philosophy of Tuition and Financial Assistance is built on a Biblically-based sustainable financial model that provides for the ongoing expansion and improvement of the educational services we offer.

  • We will seek to attract and integrate students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.
  • To the greatest extent possible, any child from a motivated family will not be denied admission solely because of lack of financial resources to pay our tuition.
  • Our tuition rate will increasingly reflect the full cost to educate each child as well as enabling us to better accomplish our educational mission into the future.
  • We believe parents should be invested in the education of their child and be willing to pay all they can afford toward tuition and fees. We recognize this may require families to stretch their budgets and rearrange their priorities.
  • All financial assistance for qualifying families is needs-based on a case-by-case basis, utilizing an objective, confidential, verified third-party financial assistance needs assessment process.
  • We will offer significant aid and award it in a manner that will allow as many families as possible to have the opportunity to attend Illinois Lutheran Schools.

FACTS Tuition Management

FACTS is an online, third party vendor that is highly confidential. Their goal is to assist in determining a financial need for our current and new families. Our goal is that money will not stand in the way for qualified families. We use FACTS Tuition Management to distribute Financial Assistance.

Click here to apply for financial assistance. This first step will ask you to read the Philosophy of Financial Aid. You will then create an online FACTS Account. You will select “Start Application” for completion of your financial information. It also allows space for you to provide additional personal comments and information if you so choose. A copy of your most recent tax forms will need to be uploaded to FACTS. Financial Assistance applications will be reviewed, and you will be notified via email or phone once your application has been reviewed.