Developing Christian Leaders

An Illinois Lutheran education empowers students to be bold, confident Christian leaders in tomorrow’s world. Through a strong academic program, our caring, qualified instructors prepare students for college, the workforce and beyond.

Our students develop essential critical thinking skills and develop a strong, Christian worldview as they discover their own unique God-given skills and abilities. Students participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities and social experiences that help to build a strong community within the school and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Mikah, Class of 2025

How long have you been at Illinois Lutheran Schools? I have been at ILS for 4 years.

Why did you enroll at ILS? My parents wanted to enroll me in a private store.

What have you participated in at ILHS? How has that participation helped you grow and develop as a person? I have participated in volleyball, cheer, and track. These sports have helped me open up more to people and be able to come out of my comfort zone.

How have you been involved in our community? I have helped with track meets for the grade school and have helped back in the kitchen.

How would your friends and family members describe you?  My family and friends would describe me as being a nice and kind-hearted person.

What classes have had the most impact on you? Mr. Rimpel’s church history class. I’ve learned more about different religions and different people throughout history that have shaped Christianity to what it is today.

What is the most challenging part of being a senior? All of the homework and tests every week that teachers give out.

Is there a Bible passage that inspires you and helps you through tough times? ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3

Who has given you the best advice? What did they say? My mother told me to always stay focused and don’t let anyone or anything stray you from the path that God has for you.

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen? Everyone that says junior year is the hardest is not telling the truth. Don’t stress over it. Your high school years will fly by fast.

What do you plan to do after graduation? I plan to go to college.

Where do you imagine yourself 10 years from now? 10 years from now I hope to be in med school working towards my degree.

When you look back on Illinois Lutheran in later years, what will you remember most? I will remember all of the people I’ve met and friends I’ve made.

What dreams do you have for the world of tomorrow? That we can continue to grow as a society and learn from each other.